WSATVA Mission Statement
The Western Slope ATV Association was founded on the principle of promoting ATV use as a legitimate family recreational activity on public lands to provide riding enjoyment on the trails for all users. In doing so, we will promote reasonable use and educate the general public, media and elected officials on land use. We help the Forest Service and BLM Agencies with trail maintenance to keep the many miles oadopted by our club on Forest Service and BLM lands trails as sustainable as possible. Access to ATV trails is a club priority as well as keeping trails as safe and enjoyable for riding. We work with the local BLM and Forest Service offices to obtain grants and to provide trail maintenance and construction to help the outdoor community.
The WSATVA is proud to support and be affiliated with The Blue Ribbon Coalition, Colorado Parks & Wildlife,
The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition and The National Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition in
Trail Maintenance & Building
WSATVA continually performs trail maintenance on both BLM and U.S. Forest Service lands to try and keep the trails safer for all of us to use; and to keep the routes open. If a route deteriorates to the point that the agency decides the resource damage is too great, the route can be closed. That would have already happened in some places if not for our actions. Within the Forest Service jurisdiction, WSATVA has adopted four trails on the Grand Mesa National Forest south of Vega State Park: High Trail, Monument Trail, Silver Spruce and Salt Creek. We have also adopted 52 miles of trails on the Divide Forks ATV Complex on the Uncompahgre Plateau. On BLM land, WSATVA has adopted the Barrel Springs route, the Post Canyon route, and the Tabegauche Trail from Bangs Canyon Staging Area to Hwy. 141 and from Hwy. 141 to Cactus Park, both of which are used for all forms of recreation. Grant funds helped procure two Sweco 480 trail dozers designed for maintaining ATV trails and four trailers that are used for maintenance on these trails. The club applies for additional grants every year to ensure ongoing trail maintenance and to facilitate new trail maintenance projects as the need arises. WSATVA built the original staging area at Bangs Canyon. With Forest Service approval and support, we have designed, constructed, hauled and installed seven bridges in five different locations over creek crossings on the Uncompahgre and Grand Mesa National Forests. The bridges promote better soil management, help prevent erosion, and provide a safer way to cross creeks that can be hazardous during certain times of the year. Our latest project was a 60-foot bridge that was installed south of Vega Lake across Leon Creek.
Club Rides
WSATVA endeavors to have club rides when ride leaders make themselves available. However, the frequency of these rides are totally dependent on having ride leaders to guide the rides. Thus, some months will see more rides than other months. The club may ride year-round including fall color rides and snow rides. Ride terrain varies from the deserts to the high mountain passes. Rides will have anywhere from 5 to 35 people and/or machines. As it is difficult to please everyone on every ride, we try to have rides for those who prefer a slower, more leisurely pace conducive to sightseeing and rides for those who prefer to ride a little faster, cover more ground and be a little more adventurous. Some rides can facilitate the wider side-by-side UTVs and some do not as we do advocate for 50-inch wide trails and trails on some of the rides have 50-inch width restrictors.
Public Meetings & Advocacy
The Western Slope ATV Association has members who volunteer their time and resources to attend most all public meetings involving the use of our public lands. We supply comments and get involved to preserve access to our local public lands. WSATVA continually supports efforts that promote protection of public lands for the people, instead of protecting public lands from the people.
Club Meetings
Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month but December. From January through April, our meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Sheriffs Posse building located at 25 Road and F 1/2 Road. From May through September, we have a potluck-style dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Lincoln Park, east shelter, near the golf course clubhouse. The club furnishes hamburgers, brats and hot dogs. Club members bring a dish of their choice to share. Barbecue begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. Members provide their own table service and drinks. During October and November, we’re back to the Sheriff’s Posse building at 7:30 p.m.
Search & Rescue
WSATVA provided assistance to Mesa County search and rescue efforts for several years until being notified recently that their services were no longer required. The all-volunteer ATV arm of Search & Rescue was formed within the club to help with search and rescue, security, evidence searches and more on the Western Slope. The group met monthly and conducted training exercises in First Aid, GPS use, search protocols and familiarization with remote areas which had repeat searches. The dedicated volunteers were on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week and were ready to respond to a call for assistance at a moments notice. Search & Rescue volunteers also lent assistance to search and rescue and/or law enforcement agencies in neighboring counties and states when requested.
Starting with the Ed Ruland Desert Cleanup in April and on to Desert Gravel Bike Race, early season trail maintenance on the Uncompahgre, Hightower, Battlements, Vega, etc, then to the Uncompahgre and Hightower Work Parties and the 4th of July Parade, it’s been a very busy season so far for members of the Western Slope ATV Association. Following are a bunch of pictures of what’s gone on thus far and there will be many more to come. Enjoy!
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🎥 WSATVA, Our Story – “The Trail From Here To There” 🎥
The WSATVA spent almost a year filming a documentary to help spread the word of what our club is about, the projects we are involved in and how we work for the benefit all trail users. Click anywhere in this section or on the images below to view the movie.
Thank You For Watching Our Story
Join the Western Slope ATV Association
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🇱🇷 6/23 Don Brueggeman 🇱🇷 7/23 Amy VanDyke & Terry Johnson 🇱🇷 9/23 Bill & MaryLou Wisdon 🇱🇷 10/23 Steve Carcaterra 🇱🇷 1/24 William Don & Becky Jones 🇱🇷 2/24 Delbert & Nancy Martin 🇱🇷 2/24 David & Judy Sigrist 🇱🇷 2/24 Shannon Martin & Nancy Royce 🇱🇷 2/24 Jody Green 🇱🇷 3/24 Don & Sue Smith 🇱🇷
Volunteer Hours 2023 for USFS, BLM, Search & Rescue
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Miles of OHV Routes in Our Area
Grant Money For Trails & Bridges
WSATVA By The Numbers
Number of WSATVA Members
Bridges Restored/Built/Maintained
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